Since the beginning of this project, I knew that I was leaving April 7th to Aruba for spring break. As soon as we were assigned this project I informed my group members of the situation. They both said that it was perfectly fine because they wanted to finish the project before that anyway to make sure we had enough time incase we had to fix a couple things. Our project was due April 9th until our teachers decided to change the due date to April 11th. This is perfectly fine but my group really wont be able to use that time. However, my group members will have more time to complete their blogs and their CCR. I'm not worried that I wont have time because I have confidence that ill finish but I don't have the security of more time incase something goes wrong. I'm really excited for Aruba and I love traveling, so this will be a great experience but I wish it was under different circumstances.
This is how I found out. I'm actually really excited because these past couples of months has been really stressful, so I'm happy I finally get to take a really break from life.
xoxo Laerke
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Story time!
Today in class, we wanted to figure out what the newspapers were going to say, to establish the difference between the two world. Jessi and Isa told me that they brainstormed for 45 minutes and couldn't figure out the right story to have in our project. For some reason at that moment I was thinking about California, so I just suggested that the headline should be the "California: bans gay marriage" and they both thought that was a great idea. This headline would be for the red world, which is about fake news and a communism government, (oh! we decided that the government was communism to establish why the citizens of the red world were so angry) because California has always been a liberal state and has one of the largest gay population in the world (oh! we decided that the government was communism to establish why the citizens of the red world were so angry). So obviously, California would never prohibit gay marriage. However, I didn't come up with the idea for the blue world. Jessi and Isa decided to make the story for the blue world about a study that proves isolation is healthy for the world, I think. Everyone liked the idea so we stuck with it.
The next step was to figure out the masthead. For the one in the red world, we decided on "Mars Times." I really liked the idea because in roman mythology the God, Mars, is the God of war. It really fit the theme of the red world. For the masthead of the newspaper in the blue world, it would be "The Neptune Chronicles." This also fit well because Neptune is the God of the sea which could represent isolation.
I really like the idea for our newspapers and, hopefully, it will effectively establish the worlds.
xoxo Laerke
The next step was to figure out the masthead. For the one in the red world, we decided on "Mars Times." I really liked the idea because in roman mythology the God, Mars, is the God of war. It really fit the theme of the red world. For the masthead of the newspaper in the blue world, it would be "The Neptune Chronicles." This also fit well because Neptune is the God of the sea which could represent isolation.
I really like the idea for our newspapers and, hopefully, it will effectively establish the worlds.
xoxo Laerke
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Well that didnt last long!
Okay, so Jessi, one of my group members, wasn't ready to give up on our first idea. Today after school, she asked us to come over so she could discuss the project. However, I had work so I brought my uniform with me and went right to Jessi's house after school. Isa, my other group member, couldn't make it right after school, so Jessi told us separately. One of our major problems with the first idea was that we couldn't figure out how to establish the two worlds and how she was going to move between them, but Jessi figured it out.
This is the storyboard for the new and improved idea that we previously had. Basically, the opening starts with the main character in the red world looking down at a news paper that is obviously a lie. She then walks over to a set of doors a looks inside. The inside of the house is blue and the main character gets confused and is hesitant to go inside. She kind of walks in and out the house confused on why it is blue and the outside is red. The main character finally walks in and find another news paper with an article describing the world. She finally looks back outside and discovers that the outside is blue, symbolizing that she transported into the second world.
Although we had trouble with the idea at first, I like how Jessi was able to figure out a way for us still to use it. Jessi and Isa plan to film on Friday but I have to work so I wont join them until Saturday. Hopefully this works out well.
xoxo Laerke
This is the storyboard for the new and improved idea that we previously had. Basically, the opening starts with the main character in the red world looking down at a news paper that is obviously a lie. She then walks over to a set of doors a looks inside. The inside of the house is blue and the main character gets confused and is hesitant to go inside. She kind of walks in and out the house confused on why it is blue and the outside is red. The main character finally walks in and find another news paper with an article describing the world. She finally looks back outside and discovers that the outside is blue, symbolizing that she transported into the second world.
Although we had trouble with the idea at first, I like how Jessi was able to figure out a way for us still to use it. Jessi and Isa plan to film on Friday but I have to work so I wont join them until Saturday. Hopefully this works out well.
xoxo Laerke
Friday, March 24, 2017
They agreed!!
So we decided to change the whole project. Everyone in the group decided it was best to change the idea and make the project easier on ourselves. However, we didn't decide this with ease. For the first hour or two, we tried our best to come up with a solution to our problem from Thursday; that proved to be difficult. After some long silences, we decided it would be more proficient if we changed the plotline. I actually really like the new plotline better than the first one. So our new idea is about this dystopian society where everyone is glued to their technological device. We start the opening with a credit scene of a bunch of different people speaking different languages on their phones. The different language part is to establish that this is happening all over the world. Each group of people will speak a different language and will be talking about a different social media site. When we zoom in on their phone, it will show a credit, such as "directed by" on Snapchat. The screen then goes black and the title "watch Now" appears. With the use of a mastershot and moving between low and high angles, a group of 4 friends walks through the house and into the backyard, while not looking up from their phones once. Half way through the hang out, every friend gets a notification at the same time. The camera will zoom into the main character's phone and the notification will state, "your father just died. Watch video now." The main character is the only one to react, all the other characters remain unfazed. The main character starts to freak out and realizes how screwed up this society is. Then, the camera cuts to a high angle of the other three characters completely passive and all pressing "watch now". I really like this idea, not only because it is much simpler than the other idea, but because it exposes a sad truth about our society today. Instead of enjoying the things around us, we spend most of our time looking down on a small screen.
Additionally, this change of direction still fits in our previous genre. However, I am going to research different case studies that are more similar to this storyline. I'm not really sure what the rest of the plotline will be, but I believe the main character meets other people who see how awful the society is. Eventually, they find enough people to join their cause and start revolting against the society. This story really reflects society today. In our generation, there are a group of people who are technology bound and couldn't think of living any other way, while others reject social media.
Hopefully, we stick to this idea and start filming soon. I have great confidence in this storyline and I believe everyone will enjoy it too.
xoxo Laerke
Additionally, this change of direction still fits in our previous genre. However, I am going to research different case studies that are more similar to this storyline. I'm not really sure what the rest of the plotline will be, but I believe the main character meets other people who see how awful the society is. Eventually, they find enough people to join their cause and start revolting against the society. This story really reflects society today. In our generation, there are a group of people who are technology bound and couldn't think of living any other way, while others reject social media.
Hopefully, we stick to this idea and start filming soon. I have great confidence in this storyline and I believe everyone will enjoy it too.
xoxo Laerke
Thursday, March 23, 2017
professional opinion
Today in class, our teacher called up each group to discuss the progress of the project. My group was called up first, honestly with my luck it wasn't surprising, and my teacher asked us questions about the ideas and progress of the project. She asked us why we choice certain directions, such as why we choice loneness as the tone of the story. Basically we learned that we really have to rethink some things. When we went back to our desks, we decided to tweak some areas. As I listened to my group discuss alternative options to establish our storyline, I began to realize that the story became increasingly difficult to express to the audience. Next time we meet up, I think we have to think of other things to do instead of this. I really like the idea we have but we don't have the budget, resources or the time to create something as difficult as this. Hopefully my group members will agree with me.
xoxo Laerke
xoxo Laerke
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Group meetings
Today, as a class, we went to the media center to present our project ideas to the rest of the class. Each group was split up into a different group so they could each discuss the project to different people. In Jess's, one of my project members, group, someone suggested that in the blue world, everyone should be isolated; No eye contact, no conversation to establish a kind of wall between emotions and truth. In Isa's, another one of my project members, group, someone pointed out that we have to clearly establish what each of the world mean. Additionally, in my group, someone suggested changing the main characters physical features, such as her eyes. Every time she which's between the two worlds, her eyes would change from red to blue or blue to red. Every group had really good feedback and ideas to improve on our project.
I really liked this group activity because I got to see all the project ideas and how they would evolve in the end. This communication between people who are going through the same tings you are, is very helpful and I hope we do it again.
xoxo Laerke
I really liked this group activity because I got to see all the project ideas and how they would evolve in the end. This communication between people who are going through the same tings you are, is very helpful and I hope we do it again.
xoxo Laerke
Sunday, March 19, 2017
*music plays in backround*
Music plays an important role in establishing tone for the film. We initially decided that the tone would be suspense, but thinking about it now, and listening to samples on purple planet, I think we have to take a different route. Purple planet makes it easy to look for different music in different categories. I listened to a bunch of them and liked "trail of tears" from the reflective category at first. However, listening to it a second time I realized it wasn't exactly the right one I wanted for the film. I did learn that I wanted something calm and reflective, rather than suspenseful. Of course I have to discuss this with the rest of my group, but I am confident that we will agree on something.
Movies such as the Hunger Games and Divergent are dystopian films about a single main character on a journey to change the views in society, who seem to have a reflective tone.
I feel choosing a reflective music tone would be the best choice for a dystopian/science fiction film. Especially considering that the opening credit is more introducing the main character's journey. I haven't picked the song yet, but having the tone/category will be helpful in finding the right one.
xoxo Laerke
Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
The Hunger Games (2012). (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
Divergent (2014). (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
Movies such as the Hunger Games and Divergent are dystopian films about a single main character on a journey to change the views in society, who seem to have a reflective tone.
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"In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late." ( |
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"Katniss Everdeen voluntarily takes her younger sister's place in the Hunger Games, a televised competition in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to fight to the death." ( |
xoxo Laerke
Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
The Hunger Games (2012). (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
Divergent (2014). (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Soooo apparently, we were not on the same page.
options for the rest of the 2-minute opening. This
is when I discovered that the two worlds weren't
technology vs. not technology, but fake news vs.
not having news. Honestly, this really bothered me
because the whole time that I was talking about
the theme of technology, they agreed and said it
fit well with the plot line; well news flash It doesn't
(get it news flash because its about
news.... not funny, well okay). Anyway, we
decided to change the credit portion of the opening.
Instead of computers, smart phones, and other types of technology appearing on a black surface while a long take will show the different credit names, the camera will follow the main character around in the first world, the red one with fake news, while closing up to specific pictures showing the credits.
There is a second option incase the third group member, who wasn't there on Friday, doesn't like the first one. The second option starts the same way as the first but ends in the second world which is blue and has no news.
We decided on red and blue as the theme for each world because red is typically associated with anger, while blue is associated with being calm.
This alludes to the fact that people in the red world will be angry about the fake news that is being reported to them and the people in the blue world are calm because they have no idea what is going on around them .
xoxo Laerke
We decided on red and blue as the theme for each world because red is typically associated with anger, while blue is associated with being calm.
This alludes to the fact that people in the red world will be angry about the fake news that is being reported to them and the people in the blue world are calm because they have no idea what is going on around them .
xoxo Laerke
Friday, March 17, 2017
genreeeee and stuff
According to and ScifiDefinition.pdf, the genre of science fiction is a film involving any kind of science not fully accepted by mainstream science. Some science fiction movies express political and social issues at the time of production. Additionally, films in science fiction connect between real world and "supernatural" world. The "supernatural" world could literally mean a world where super natural beings exists or a world that different from the real world, such as utopias. Common motifs of science fiction films are voyages, expeditions, dystopias, and utopias.
In the opening scene of the first transformers movie, they give background information to inform the viewers about the autobot's origin. Additionally, they leave the audience in mystery towards the end of the opening to emphasize suspense.
In the opening scene of Guardian of the Galaxy, they introduce the main character by giving Peter's background story. Additionally, they introduce the element of science fiction through the mom's description of the father, "he was an angle, composed out of pure light."
Drama film is a genre that connects to human emotion and involves dramatic elements, such as human struggle ( There are different sub-genres such as biography, melodrama, courtroom, ect. All of this are different situations where dramatic elements are implemented.
In the film opening of The Accountant, it alludes to conflict and leaves a sense of mystery behind as to what just happened? and how did he get there?
These elements and examples of science fiction and drama allow our group to figure out how most of these movies start, to emulate the right structure for the genre. For example, in the movies , Guardian of the Galaxy and Transformers, they both give background information to inform the audience of the situation in the movie. This makes me think that giving background information is a excellent idea for movies in science fiction and allow the plot line to flow fluidly.
xoxo Laerke
Science fiction. (2017, March 15). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Transformers (2007). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Transformers film opening. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
L. (2015, June 24). First Five Minutes Of Guardians Of The Galaxy. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Buffam, N. (n.d.). Drama genre. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
The Accountant (2016). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Accountant film opening. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
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Transformers: An ancient struggle between two Cybertronian races, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, comes to Earth, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a teenager. ( |
In the opening scene of the first transformers movie, they give background information to inform the viewers about the autobot's origin. Additionally, they leave the audience in mystery towards the end of the opening to emphasize suspense.
![]() |
Guardians of the galaxy: A group of intergalactic criminals are forced to work together to stop a fanatical warrior from taking control of the universe. (
In the opening scene of Guardian of the Galaxy, they introduce the main character by giving Peter's background story. Additionally, they introduce the element of science fiction through the mom's description of the father, "he was an angle, composed out of pure light."
Drama film is a genre that connects to human emotion and involves dramatic elements, such as human struggle ( There are different sub-genres such as biography, melodrama, courtroom, ect. All of this are different situations where dramatic elements are implemented.
![]() |
Accountant: As a math savant uncooks the books for a new client, the Treasury Department closes in on his activities and the body count starts to rise. ( |
These elements and examples of science fiction and drama allow our group to figure out how most of these movies start, to emulate the right structure for the genre. For example, in the movies , Guardian of the Galaxy and Transformers, they both give background information to inform the audience of the situation in the movie. This makes me think that giving background information is a excellent idea for movies in science fiction and allow the plot line to flow fluidly.
xoxo Laerke
Science fiction. (2017, March 15). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Transformers (2007). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Transformers film opening. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
L. (2015, June 24). First Five Minutes Of Guardians Of The Galaxy. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Buffam, N. (n.d.). Drama genre. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
The Accountant (2016). (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Accountant film opening. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from
Sunday, March 12, 2017
*tweak* *tweak*
So its the end of the first week and the end of this post. Just kidding, but on a more serious note, it took me a long time to write this post. I wasn't sure what I wanted to write or even if I had to say anything of value, and I thought about it really long and hard until I realized something. In a process that requires so much time and dedication, such as this project, every idea and every change of focus is important to the creation of the product itself. We, as human beings, get influenced by so many different things, that in a blink of an eye, ideas shift.
Over the weekend, I was thinking about the next step of this project. I continued the research into the song for the opening credit scene; I still haven't found the right song *sigh*. However, I conferenced called my group today and we talked about our filming opening, so we would know what to write in our blogs. We confirmed that our genre would be drama and science fiction. Additionally, we talked about introducing our character, which lead to a slight tweak in the story line. Originally, the plot line was about these scientists who created two separate worlds, one with technology and one without, both of them trying to solve the same problem. Instead, it changed to a story about a girl, the main character, who is able to travel between the two worlds but doesn't know how. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I might have another idea that would work better, hmmmmmm.
Over the weekend, I was thinking about the next step of this project. I continued the research into the song for the opening credit scene; I still haven't found the right song *sigh*. However, I conferenced called my group today and we talked about our filming opening, so we would know what to write in our blogs. We confirmed that our genre would be drama and science fiction. Additionally, we talked about introducing our character, which lead to a slight tweak in the story line. Originally, the plot line was about these scientists who created two separate worlds, one with technology and one without, both of them trying to solve the same problem. Instead, it changed to a story about a girl, the main character, who is able to travel between the two worlds but doesn't know how. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I might have another idea that would work better, hmmmmmm.
xoxo Laerke
Saturday, March 11, 2017
When you think you're getting somewhere
When brainstorming, ideas can come slowly, other times its a constant flow. For the credit scene, which will be the first 30 seconds or so of our film opening, computers, smart phones, and other types of technology will appear on a black surface while a long take will show the different credit names. As the camera sways from computer to phone, the surface changes colors and the credits starts appearing on items that are not related to technology at all, such as paper, pencils, ect. So, in my head I can clearly picture the twists and turns of the 30 second reel; however, last night I realized something important that I missed. How does someone pick the right music? Can someone explain this to me? To have the right music is so important, it sets the tone for the rest of the movie so I cant exactly just pick something random. I guess its time for some research.
xoxo Laerke
Decisions, Decisions
As a class, we were informed about this project back in October of 2016. We picked our group members and whether we wanted to do a film opening or a magazine; I picked the film opening. Recently, we were officially assigned the project and given permission to work on it. Day One we discussed possible genre. From the beginning, we decided, as a group that we didn't want to do anything romantic to avoid being cheesy. We talked about mysteries, drama, comedy, ect. It wasn't until Day Two that one of our group members came up with an idea involving two different worlds, almost a parallel of each other. As we discussed her idea, the group increasing started to get inspired with ideas related to the two worlds. From time to time, we would come up with an idea but realize that it was too similar to an already existing
series or movie. It wasn't until we side tracked into a conversation about the TV show, Black Mirror, that we found our inspiration for our opening. Tweaking a little here and there, we finally came up with a brilliant idea. Imagine a social experiment conducted by scientists, who collected two groups of people and put each group in a separate world. One world would be technology free and the other containing every piece of technology one can think of. From this understanding of the plot line, we were ready to start planning shots, angles, mise-en-scene, and composition. I'm really excited about our idea and I hope that everything works out well.
xoxo Laerke
xoxo Laerke
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